FT232r USB UART Driver Download For Windows 32bit 64bit

FT232r USB UART driver download

If you were searching for FT232r USB UART driver and find no place to get these drivers, you have landed on right spot- from the given download link you can download the driver directly from here. Just hit the download button and get the driver on your computer. Locate the place where you have saved the driver, unzip it on the computer. 

And tap on the installation button- install the driver on your computer, as it will help you in connecting your FT23R device to the computer.

The FT23R USB driver is a bit hard to install, I am going to explain the inch and squares of it.

How to install FT23R USB UART Driver:

Download the driver and extract it on the computer, but remember the place where you have saved the driver.
  • You need to install the already installed driver, the incorrect driver from your windows. Go to the computer's control panel and go to the device manager and tap on the USB Serial Port driver.
  • And tap on the uninstall button, you will be asked twice either you want to get the driver uninstalled.
  • You need to confirm uninstall the driver, as it is important you need to uninstall the driver.
  • Uninstall the USB Serial Converter, and uninstall it directly from the computer.
You need to disconnect the internet connection, disconnect the USB cable from your PC to KMX1 or KMX2

A new yellow flag will be there, you need to update the driver directly from the computer.

Do not go with the update the driver from the internet, as it takes you to the internet and you will end at the closed end.
So, make the driver updated direct from the computer, and install the driver easily.

You will get FT232r USB UART driver installed on the computer to connect the FT23R device to the computer to manage the stuff.

So, download FT232r USB UART driver from the given download link, just tap on the download button and get the driver.

If the link does not work, please do comment in the comment section, so that we could fix the error.

Ft232r USB UART driver download (32 Bit)

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