Microsoft phone companion download I remember about 20 years ago, Microsoft Founder Bill Gates predicted that within twenty years the use of the computer will lower to 50%, and most of the passionate IT guys were shocked to know that. And today, we know the use of the computer has lowered to 75% and now people tend to use their smartphones all the time. Either we are traveling, or in a job or spending some time with our friends, smartphones are always with you. But, the importance of computers and laptops can never be refuted. We all use computers for some tougher jobs to compile some documents, to make some presentation and most of the time to watch movies. So, in the age of Snap Chat and WhatsApp, we use to get two to three devices, and it is really hard to sync them all the time to get the same content on every device. Though, there is an application which can hit the nail right, but either they are paid or got some messing interface or services. Microsoft phone companion soft...